Good progress has been made on the Parser with API support for the ARINC 424 records list below, the data is accessed through an data object returning collections of records with fields/properties. A unit test framework has been added so that further tests can be added for checking ARINC 424 validation rules and other constraints.
- Airport – Airport Runway – Airport SID/STAR/Approach – Airport MSA
- Controlled Airspace
- Enroute Airways
- GridMora
- Heliport – Heliport SID/STAR/Approach – Heliport MSA
- NDB Navaids (Enroute & Terminal)
- PathPoint
- Restrictive Airspace
- VHF Navaid
- Waypoints (Enroute & Terminal) – Waypoint Heliport Terminal

API Documentation for Airport ARINC 424 record
Above is a sample web site screen shot showing the online SDK documentation for the ARINC 424 Parser which is part of FPAssistant Suite SDK, the supported records are displayed in the column on the left and the properties for the Airport record are shown on the right hand side column. Further documentation can be found at the following URL links:
ARINC 424 – Airport Record Documentation
ARINC 424 Records Documentation
What’s next – Work will commence soon on a tool to display the ARINC 424 data both textual and visually on a map through an app, this will be known as the ARINC 424 Explorer. As always, we are looking for companies and individuals that would be willing to assist in the Alpha programme of the development of this app so get in contact to discuss further.