App Suite2024-05-21T14:43:52+00:00

Guidance, calculations and tools assisting with flight procedure design covering ICAO PANS-OPS and FAA TERPS criterias

Platforms & Devices

FPAssistant is a multi-platform app and has been designed to be used in a variety of computer based devices from mobile phones and tablets to personal computers.  These include:

  • Windows – Devices running Windows 10 & 11 † (FPAssistant)

  • Apple iOS – iPhone and iPad (Under development using .NET MAUI)

  • Google Android – Phones and tablets (FPAssistant Lite)

† Devices running Windows 10 are primarily Intel/AMD PC’s and ARM based PC’s, but also include the prospect of Xbox, HoloLens and Surface Hub.

App Suite & Feature Extensions

The FPAssistant app and FPAssistant Lite app are free on all devices and this covers a broad range of useful tools but other features in the app suite are available as extensions on a yearly subscription basis; some may have a trial mode giving the ability to see the full functionality before purchasing the subscription.

Offering features or app extensions on subscription allows the user to purchase the features that they need (rather than having to purchase a complete package) and also allows a short term usage of a specific feature.

Feature Breakdown & Availability

The tables below show which features are included with the free app and which extensions are available by subscription. The table also shows the availability of the app on the range of devices.

Windows devices & SDK – FPAssistant

Feature / Extension Fee Windows 10 onwards
FPAssistant Suite SDK
Aviation Tools (IAS-TAS) Free Y Y
Aviation Tools (Gradient) Free Y Y
Aviation Tools (Distance Conversions) Free Y Y
Geographgical Coordinate Tools Free Y Y
Map Aerodome Lookup Free Y Y
PANS-OPS Tools (Min Stab Distances) Free Y Y
PANS-OPS Tools (OAS Constants Green Pages) IAP Y Y
FAS Data Block Extension (SBAS) Free Y Y
FAS Data Block Extension (GBAS) IAP Y Y
FAS Data Block DataStore Extension IAP Y Y
Key: Y Available N Not available C Coming soon P Possible if sufficient demand

†† Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is the app platform for Windows 10 onwards and is compatible with all Windows devices including PC, tablet, Xbox, HoloLens, Surface Hub and more.

iOS & Android devices – FPAssistant Lite

Feature / Extension Fee iOS
Aviation Tools (IAS-TAS) Free Y Y Y Y
Aviation Tools (Gradient) Free Y Y Y Y
Aviation Tools (Distance Conversions) Free Y Y Y Y
Geographgical Coordinate Tools Free P P P P
Map Aerodome Lookup Free P P P P
PANS-OPS Tools (Min Stab Distances) Free P P P P
PANS-OPS Tools (OAS Constants Green Pages) IAP P P P P
FAS Data Block Extension (SBAS) Free P N P N
FAS Data Block Extension (GBAS) IAP P N P N
FAS Data Block DataStore Extension IAP N N N N
Key: Y Available N Not available C Coming soon P Possible if sufficient demand

Feature and Extension Requests

If you feel that a feature or extension is missing from FPAssistant/FPAssistant Lite or that an existing feature is in the need for some improvement then please do get in touch through the contact form on this site. The development team are open to receive comments, suggestions and future tools; please provide as much information as possible. Any comments are valuable as they help us decide what features need allocating time and resources to.